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Men's Style Blog

Everything you need to know about dressing to look and feel your comfortable and confident best.

^Top Men's Style Blog

A Styling Guide to Formal Suits in 2025

Formal suits are a mainstay item for any man’s wardrobe from classic and timeless styles, to the more modern look. Selecting the right formal suit can really make or break that special moment, for your school formal, work or corporate event to make a lasting impression. You want to strike the balance between originality and professionalism, and suits that are off the rack, or poorly designed, will fall flat. more »

Section: Everything Else - Blog

28 Mar 2025

How Long Should Suit Trousers Be?

Let’s talk about trouser length for suits. When it comes to tailoring, there can be a lot of emphasis on the blazer. Don’t get us wrong, it’s hard to beat a perfectly fitted jacket – but there’s also something to be said for trousers that fit just right. We’re talking about a waist that doesn’t dig in, a smooth seat, a perfect fit around the waist, and above all – the right length. more »

Section: Everything Else - Blog

12 Feb 2025

Smart Casual Dress Code for Men : 2025 Style Guide

Navigating the world of smart casual style can feel like walking a fashion tightrope - too formal, and you look stiff; too casual, and you risk looking unprofessional. But not to worry! more »

Section: Everything Else - Blog

24 Dec 2024

Gay and Lesbian Wedding Suit Inspiration

Planning your wedding is an exciting experience, but selecting the most ideal suit for you might be a challenge. For same sex couples, more of an individual approach is your best bet, you might want elements of tradition, without looking like you match too much and to fully express your individual style. more »

Section: Everything Else - Blog

08 Nov 2024

What is the Difference Between a Suit and a Tux?

On the surface, tuxedos and suits look extremely similar to each other and sometimes people use the words interchangeably. However, they are distinctly different and it’s important to understand the core differences between a tuxedo and a suit. more »

Section: Everything Else - Blog

01 Oct 2024

How Long Should a Suit Jacket Be?

Getting the right length suit jacket can make all the difference between your suit looking incredibly tailored, or it looking out of proportion to your body. more »

Section: Everything Else - Blog

12 Aug 2024

Wedding Suits: A Complete Guide

Amidst the myriad rules and etiquettes surrounding wedding preparations like dress shopping, cake selection, and venue booking, the importance of the wedding suit is often neglected. Attention to the groom's wedding outfit is just as crucial as the bride's. Don't settle for ordinary; aim for extraordinary - channel your inner James Bond! Your wedding suit should make a statement and reflect your style on this special day. And above all else, it should fit you like a glove. more »

Section: Everything Else - Blog

27 Mar 2024

Blazer vs Sports Coat vs Suit Jacket - A Complete Guide

Our clients often ask us - what is the difference between a men’s blazer, a men’s sport coat, and a suit jacket? These days, these terms are used interchangeably, but it’s important not to get too caught up in the sartorial semantics- especially when talking about men’s blazers or sports coats. more »

Section: Everything Else - Blog

22 Jun 2023

Sydney Kings selects Montagio to lift style game to new heights

As Official Style Partner of the Sydney Kings, Montagio was selected to get all players and coaching staff looking their slamming best off the court. more »

Section: Everything Else - Blog

19 Nov 2018

Choose the Perfect Suit for Your Same-Sex Wedding

The biggest day of your life is fast approaching, you've arranged the ceremony, chosen your invitations, booked your honeymoon, and you've even talked to the wedding band about that all-important first dance. But what about your suit? We men are often guilty of leaving the most important things to the last minute, but when it comes to your wedding suit, there's simply no excuse. more »

Section: Essential Men's Suit Guide - Blog

04 Dec 2017

Best of British – The fine fabrics of Holland & Sherry

As stalwarts of the British tailoring industry, it’s hard to look beyond Holland & Sherry when searching for the finest fabrics on the market. In business since 1836, the fabric supplier has survived two world wars and countless recessions. For nearly two centuries, Holland & Sherry have been the go-to fabric suppliers for many of Saville Row’s top tailors. So how do they do it? more »

Section: Essential Men's Suit Guide - Blog

02 Nov 2017

Cupro and Bemberg – the Only Choice for Your Suit Lining

It’s easy to get so engrossed in choosing your suit fabric that by the time it comes around to choosing a lining you give it no more than a moment’s thought. But trust us when we say that your suit lining is far more important than you give it credit for. Your decision has a massive bearing on how your suit will look and feel. And that’s why you need to open your eyes to the magnificence of Cupro, or as it is more commonly known; Bemberg. But before we go any further, let’s just take a... more »

Section: Essential Men's Suit Guide - Blog

09 Oct 2017

How to Stay Warm and Stylish at Sydney's Vivid Festival

It’s that time of year again when Sydney’s landmarks come alive at night in an extravagant display of dazzling light and colour. Yes, it’s time for the festival of light so aptly named Vivid to capture the imagination of Sydneysiders. more »

Section: Dressing for the Occasion - Blog

27 May 2017

Our Take On ‘Pub of the Year 2017’

It’s that time of the year again for Time Out to award best pub in the business. With such an array of great pubs to choose from, it really got the Montagio team thinking about where the modern gent would go, so we thought we’d share a few of our favourites and who we’ll be voting for in the People’s Choice Awards – may the best pub win! more »

Section: Everything Else - Blog

05 May 2017

All You Need to Know About Pocket Squares

As we enter the month of May, it’s important to maintain the vibrant tones of Summer and always add that bit of ‘oomph’ to your day. A simple solution? Adding a pocket square to your daily look. more »

Section: Building Your Wardrobe - Blog

03 May 2017

4 Reasons Men Need to Start Wearing More Pink

The theory that pink is for girls holds no weight in the world of fashion. In fact, the one-time power colour of the eighteenth century is slowly but surely making its way back into mainstream formalwear. more »

Section: Building Your Wardrobe - Blog

17 Mar 2017

5 Things to Do in Sydney This St. Patrick's Day

For the many Irish people and those of Irish descent living here in Sydney, being away from home for St. Patrick’s Day is tough. more »

Section: Dressing for the Occasion - Blog

10 Mar 2017

3 Casual Clothing Tips for the Perfect Dress-Down Friday

We all enjoy casual Friday at the office but does it really have to mean trundling out the old faithful plain t-shirt and worn jeans? more »

Section: Dressing for the Occasion - Blog

04 Mar 2017

Know Your Shirt Fabrics

If you think choosing a colour is the only concern with regards to your choice of shirt, then you’ve probably never gone shirt shopping before. more »

Section: Building Your Wardrobe - Blog

24 Feb 2017

5 Rules for Buying a Wedding Suit That You Don't Need to Follow

The most important day of your life is fast approaching, and you have yet to decide what to wear. The seemingly endless streams of advice from your parents, your partner, your friends, and even your neighbour’s kid have you locked in a bout of indecision. You should do this, you shouldn’t do that; it’s all too much. more »

Section: Formalwear and Accessories - Blog

18 Feb 2017

How to Wear a Blazer 5 Different Ways

If you only have one jacket in your wardrobe, then it has to be a blazer. more »

Section: Men's Sport Jackets & Blazers - Blog

11 Feb 2017

9 Unusual Ways to Spend Valentine's Day in Sydney

Is it February already? It seems like only yesterday that we were recommending Christmas gifts. But alas, it’s true, and here we are again wondering how to woo our partners on the most romantic day of the year. more »

Section: Everything Else - Blog

04 Feb 2017

The resurgence of the tie bar and how to wear one

The tie bar, a one-time forgotten accessory, is making a big comeback. In fact, it’s hard to imagine a stylish gent without one these days. more »

Section: Neckties, Bowties, and Pocket Squares - Blog

20 Jan 2017

How to Choose a Suit for Your Beach Wedding

From vineyards to mountain farmsteads, the options for a destination wedding are literally endless. more »

Section: Formalwear and Accessories - Blog

06 Jan 2017

5 black tie mistakes you’re probably making

Black tie should be one of the easiest dress codes to follow, but you’d be surprised how many men make a mess of their efforts. more »

Section: Everything Else - Blog

24 Dec 2016

Where to spend New Year’s Eve in Sydney

2016 is drawing to a close, and even though you haven’t even had your turkey yet, it’s about time to start planning your New Year’s Eve celebrations. more »

Section: Everything Else - Blog

23 Dec 2016

Four of the Best Christmas Lunch and Dinner Options in Sydney

With just a week to go, if you haven’t already made plans for your Christmas lunch or dinner then it’s about time to get cracking. more »

Section: Everything Else - Blog

16 Dec 2016

Forget Socks; These Are the Gifts That You Want This Christmas

Well, it’s that time of year again when we men get ready to receive socks and ties in their dozens. And while we love a good tie, as Christmas gifts go socks and ties are the ultimate plan B/last minute option. more »

Section: Everything Else - Blog

11 Dec 2016

How to Choose a Suit for an Evening Wedding

Evening weddings are increasingly popular these days, and when you consider the fact that they cause far less damage to your bank account than an all-day affair, it’s easy to see why. more »

Section: Formalwear and Accessories - Blog

03 Dec 2016

How to Keep Cool in the Office This Summer

With the glorious summer weather comes afternoons on the beach, barbecues, and long hot days behind your desk with the air con cranked right up... more »

Section: Everything Else - Blog

28 Nov 2016

How to Look Stylish on the Golf Course

Style and Golf are two words that you don’t often associate with one another, but with the Emirates Australian Open recently over and the silly season about to hit full swing (sorry but we couldn’t resist), we got to thinking about how golfers decide what to wear. more »

Section: Gentlemanly Pursuits - Blog

24 Nov 2016

5 Tips on How to Live a Healthy Life This Movember

Did you know that by 2030 the Movember Foundation will have reduced the number of men dying prematurely by 25%? The power of knowledge is truly incredible, and for the last 13 years, the sole aim of the annual Movember movement is to educate. more »

Section: Everything Else - Blog

09 Nov 2016

The Entrepreneur’s Code to Dress for Success

There was a time when the word entrepreneur evoked images of men in tailored suits running to and from business meetings briefcase in hand. These days, though, it’s more likely to bring to mind thoughts of men dressed in imitation of Mark Zuckerberg looking to sell their latest dot com venture. more »

Section: Dressing for the Occasion - Blog

03 Nov 2016

5 Reasons Why Your Wardrobe Affects Your Pay Grade

Shakespeare, Erasmus, and Mark Twain; all have shared their version of ‘clothes make the man’ with the world, and you know what? They were all onto something. more »

Section: Dressing for the Occasion - Blog

03 Nov 2016

From Team Member to Manager – How to Dress Like a Boss

Making the move from being a team member to a management position is one of the most difficult steps to take on the career ladder. It’s a transition that puts you at odds with your former peers and under the scrutiny of c-level executives. more »

Section: Dressing for the Occasion - Blog

01 Nov 2016

Be Memorable for the Right Reasons – How to Make a Great First Impression

Seven seconds. That’s all it takes for a person to decide whether you’re worth their time. From your handshake to the colour of your tie, every nuance of your bearing and appearance is evaluated in those seven seconds. more »

Section: Dressing for the Occasion - Blog

31 Oct 2016

CEO Style Tips - How to Upgrade Your Look After Winning That Promotion

A CEO position rarely comes out of the blue. Men and women often spend many years of their lives with one career goal – the corner office. And so it would seem highly unlikely that a man about to take up the stewardship of a company would have anything less than the sound sartorial wit of a professional suit wearer. more »

Section: Dressing for the Occasion - Blog

29 Oct 2016

How to Dress for Your Interview in Sales and Marketing

There are very few industries where your appearance is as important as it is in the world of sales and marketing. From client meetings to presentations, the occasions when you must look your best are many and so when you step into that interview, you want to make a killer first impression. more »

Section: Dressing for the Occasion - Blog

29 Oct 2016

How to Dress for Your Interview at the Law Firm

The Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerburgs of the world proved long ago that success and formal dress code need not go hand in hand. And so, many industries adopted a more relaxed attitude towards office attire. However, if law is your chosen line of work, those polo shirts may never see the warm glow of a fluorescent office light. more »

Section: Dressing for the Occasion - Blog

25 Oct 2016

How to Dress for Your Interview at the Finance Firm

Securing an interview with your dream finance firm is in itself cause enough for celebration in this highly competitive industry. But don’t pop the champagne corks just yet, you haven’t quite got that job in the bag. more »

Section: Dressing for the Occasion - Blog

21 Oct 2016

How to Dress for Your Interview at the Tech Firm

So they loved your CV, were intrigued by your cover letter, and you aced that brief phone interview with the recruiter. All that stands in your way now is the final interview with the person that calls the shots. But what are you supposed to wear? more »

Section: Dressing for the Occasion - Blog

20 Oct 2016

How to Dress for Your Interview at the Bank

So you’ve managed to secure an interview for a position at the bank. You’ve done your homework, updated your CV, and have a fairly good idea about what you should and shouldn’t say. But what about your suit? more »

Section: Dressing for the Occasion - Blog

13 Oct 2016

How to Appear More Attractive to Women

Now we’re not suggesting for a moment that you need help in attracting the attentions of the fairer sex, but in a hypothetical situation where you might need some assistance, these tips could be just what you’re looking for. more »

Section: Gentlemanly Pursuits - Blog

11 Oct 2016

How to Wear Turn Ups Properly with Your Suit

The good old trouser turn up, used to great effect making school trousers last for more than a single term. But aren’t they a thing of bygone days? A trend that briefly raises its head once a decade or so? No, absolutely not. more »

Section: Essential Men's Suit Guide - Blog

03 Oct 2016

What Is a Lapel Pin and How to Wear One Properly

Contrary to popular belief, the lapel pin is not an accessory exclusive to wedding attendees and University Alumni. This most vintage of additions to the modern suit is a perfect way to add a very personal touch to your outfit. more »

Section: Formalwear and Accessories - Blog

24 Sep 2016

All You Need to Know About Lapels

For the sartorial novice, the suit lapel is something of a conundrum. Should it be narrow or wide, peaked or notched? And what actual purpose does it serve? Well, the truth is these folds on the front of your jacket are no more than aesthetic additions, but that doesn’t mean we should ignore them. more »

Section: Tailoring and Clothing Maintenance - Blog

18 Sep 2016

Tie Care 101 - How to Make Your Ties Last a Lifetime

The humble tie, so often the making of an outfit, the last piece of the sartorial puzzle and the focus of attention. But it’s also one of the most easily damaged items of clothing in your wardrobe, so why do we make so little effort to take care of this essential piece of formal wear? more »

Section: Everything Else - Blog

11 Sep 2016

How to Choose the Right Fabric for Your Suit

It matters not how cool your tie or shoes are, nor how much bling you’ve added to your wrists and fingers, if you choose the wrong fabric for your suit, you’ll live to regret it. more »

Section: Building Your Wardrobe - Blog

05 Sep 2016

Length Matters! – the Definitive Guide to How Long Your Clothes Should Be

Whether you’re tall or short matters not in the world of fine tailoring. What really matters is your clothes, and most importantly, that your suit fits just right. more »

Section: Building Your Wardrobe - Blog

01 Sep 2016

How to Bulk up Without Hitting the Gym - 6 Style Secrets

Dressing to impress when you have a thin frame can seem frustrating as you don't want to appear frail, but you don't always know how to choose fabrics, styles and options to make you look stronger. Here's six easy ways to "bulk" up without lifting weights or working out. more »

Section: Building Your Wardrobe - Blog

26 Aug 2016

How to Dress for Your Body Shape

Whether you are tall and sleek (or wide) or short and slender (or stocky), choose clothes that accentuate your body shape and you'll always look elegant. In fact, selecting the right fit and style can make you look taller and slimmer. What's not to like about that? more »

Section: Building Your Wardrobe - Blog

24 Aug 2016

6 Hidden Features of Menswear and Why You Need to Use Them

If you don't know how to use your recovery loop or when to look for an emergency button, you may not be getting full value from your men's wardrobe. Here's six features of your suit, shirt and accessories that may be under-utilized. more »

Section: Gentlemanly Pursuits - Blog

20 Aug 2016

How to Get That Hollywood Jawline in Six Simple Shaving Steps

Elegant, well-fitting clothing is one part of a knock-out appearance. Sporting a Hollywood jawline is another guaranteed way to focus attention on you. Here’s our expert advice on achieving that perfect shave with just six straightforward steps. more »

Section: Everything Else - Blog

18 Aug 2016

5 Tips to Matching Your Belt and Shoes

Black shoes plus black belt; brown shoes plus brown belt. That's all you need to know - right? Wrong! Here's the crucial tips you need to mix and match like a fashionista. more »

Section: Building Your Wardrobe - Blog

15 Aug 2016

Five Father's Day Gift Ideas to Impress Dear Old Dad

Actually, you needn't wait until Father's Day to surprise dad with one - or even all - of these unbelievably unique gifts. In fact, why not treat yourself as well? more »

Section: Everything Else - Blog

13 Aug 2016

Suit Mistakes You Shouldn't Make - but Probably Do

You can be wearing the world's most expensive suit but still not present the perfect appearance if you make any - or worse, all of these suit mistakes. more »

Section: Essential Men's Suit Guide - Blog

09 Aug 2016

How to Buy a Shirt – Why Fit Is the All-Important Factor

Whether you buy your shirts off the rack or order them custom made, if they don't fit, you've wasted your money. If the fit's too loose, you look slovenly; if the fit's too tight, you look and feel uncomfortable. Here's our expert advice on how to get the perfect fit. more »

Section: Essential Men's Business Shirts - Blog

06 Aug 2016

How to Dress for the First Day of an Internship

It’s been said you never get a second chance to make a good first impression. With due respect to Robert DeNiro’s character in the “The Intern”, we think he missed the mark a bit on his first day. Here's our expert advice on how to nail it - wardrobe wise – on day one as an intern. more »

Section: Building Your Wardrobe - Blog

04 Aug 2016

10 Times You Can Wear a Suit When No One Else Is

If you think your suit is only for weddings, funerals and business use, think again! There’s more to a suit’s usefulness than meets the eye, and if you aren’t utilizing it properly, you’re not realizing your full return on your investment. Here’s 10 ways to make sure you get your money’s worth from your men’s tailored suit. more »

Section: Dressing for the Occasion - Blog

30 Jul 2016

All You Need to Know About Collars – Nine Must Have Styles

Because there are so many collar styles available for men's shirts, it can seem overwhelming. It's tempting to stick with a classic or button down collar because it seems safe or familiar. However, if you want to stretch your sartorial style muscles, you'll need to step up your game. Here's our insider advice on how to pick the right collar style - every time. more »

Section: Building Your Wardrobe - Blog

26 Jul 2016

10 Ways to Stay Warm in a Cold Office

So, you've got this winter style thing figured out - no bulky parkas or ugly stocking hats for you! You're strutting your stuff in a fashionable overcoat, but what happens when you get to that icy office? Here's 10 clever ways to beat the cold without having to wear your coat all day. more »

Section: Inclement Weather Wear - Blog

22 Jul 2016

The Mystery of the Cummerbund and Why You Should Be Wearing One

If you think the cummerbund is some antiquated, unnecessary formal wear accessory, think again. The well-dressed gentleman would not be seen in public without his cummerbund, and neither should you. Here's four excellent reasons for including it in your wardrobe. more »

Section: Formalwear and Accessories - Blog

16 Jul 2016

All You Need to Know About Suits and Boots

There's more to boots than keeping your feet warm and dry in inclement weather or protecting them from harm. Here's some insider tips on how to pair dress boots with your suits and step out in style. more »

Section: Men's Footwear - Blog

16 Jul 2016

Are You Making Any of These 7 Tie Mistakes?

Making even one of the following tie mistakes could turn a stellar first impression into an unforgivable fashion faux pas. Commit all seven and you could be kissing your image - and maybe your career - goodbye forever. Here's what you need to know to stay on the safe side of wearing your ties in sartorial style. more »

Section: Neckties, Bowties, and Pocket Squares - Blog

12 Jul 2016

All You Need to Know About the Double Breasted Suit

If you pride yourself on keeping close tabs on men's styles, you probably realize the old school double breasted suit is the new school go-to look for the fashionable metro-male. However, if you don't know how to pull it off, you could look like a fashion train wreck. Here's the basics for rocking a double breasted suit in high sartorial style. more »

Section: Building Your Wardrobe - Blog

08 Jul 2016

How to Wear a Pinstripe Suit - 4 Simple Tips

The pinstripe suit is making a big comeback, and you'd probably like to flaunt your fashion sense by wearing one. However, if you don't pay heed to these four important tips, you could look uncomfortable and ill-fitted in your clothes instead of self-confident and suave. more »

Section: Dressing for the Occasion - Blog

07 Jul 2016

6 Things You Need to Know Before Buying Your Wedding Suit

Your big day is approaching - you're getting married! You've got the venue locked down, the rings in hand, and you think you're ready to go. However, even a picture perfect wedding day can be marred if you don't pay attention to these 6 factors to consider when buying a wedding suit. more »

Section: Formalwear and Accessories - Blog

30 Jun 2016

The Top 5 Most Expensive Whiskies on the Planet

When asked to name an expensive drink Champagne is the first word on the lips of the vast majority of people on the street. Those folk will also look at you like you’re some kind of deranged trust fund fool that sleeps on a bed of money when you explain that as far as alcohol goes, the old bubbly is quite affordable. No, if you want to spend big (and we mean really big) forget the champers and invest in one of the top five most expensive whiskies in the world. more »

Section: Everything Else - Blog

27 May 2016

4 of the Best Breakfasts in Sydney

If there’s one thing we Australians love it’s a good breakfast. Brunch? Not at all, if it’s before 12 then it’s breakfast, and here in Sydney, we’re blessed with an array of eateries that serve up some of the very best. So if your schedule allows it, ditch the cereal and milk and head to one of these venues where the most important meal of the day is given the respect it so fully deserves. more »

Section: Everything Else - Blog

14 May 2016

The Quarter-Life Crisis – 10 Telltale Signs That You're in the Middle of One

Have you started borrowing your dad’s old records or even found yourself admiring his slippers? Have you lost sleep worrying if you checked the oil levels in your car recently? Well, if you’re in your twenties to thirties then you, my friend, may be a suffering from a quarter-life crisis. Yes, you read it right. Fashion stylists and psychologists of the world have united to identify a precursor to the mid-life crisis, and it’s very real and here’s how to spot it. more »

Section: Everything Else - Blog

29 Apr 2016

All You Need to Know About Bow Ties

From pre-tied to clip-on, silk to cotton, the world of bow ties is no easy place to navigate. In fact, it’s only when you have to choose one that you realize the myriad of types, shapes, and fabrics that are out there. It's not quite as simple as walking into the men’s department and asking for a James Bond style. So before you hit the shops with your 007 requests, here are a few pointers to make sure you walk in there sounding like a bow tie expert. more »

Section: Neckties, Bowties, and Pocket Squares - Blog

23 Apr 2016

All You Need to Know About Coats

If you are a true Sydneysider, then you most likely shun the thought of winter apparatus such as jackets, gloves, and heaven forbid, a heater. In fact, we’re well known for being comically shocked each year that Winter can be pretty damn cold in the best city in the world. So that’s why we’ve decided to throw tradition out the window this year and prepare ourselves by doing a little research on the fabled outer garment known as the winter coat. more »

Section: Building Your Wardrobe - Blog

15 Apr 2016

All you need to know about ties

From your first school tie to the slick skinny tie you wore at last year’s company social, there’s no doubt that the strip of material we habitually hang about our neck holds a very prominent place in our lives. And considering this magnitude of importance, it’s a little surprising that many of us still see our neckties as an afterthought when planning our look. So we reckon it’s time to get back to basics and make sure that we’re all in the know with regards to one of our favourite men’s... more »

Section: Building Your Wardrobe - Blog

11 Apr 2016

The Ultimate Guide to Accessorizing Your Wedding Suit

Getting ready for the big day with your partner-to-be can only be described as organized pandemonium. Between cake tasting, venue hopping, and the million and one other things that need seeing to, it’s tough finding some time to think about yourself. So it comes as no surprise that many of us men set aside fancy notions of patterned suspenders and oxblood brogues as we sit through yet another meeting with the wedding planner. And that’s why we’ve put together this list of accessories that... more »

Section: Formalwear and Accessories - Blog

01 Apr 2016

How to Fold a Shirt like a pro in 5 Easy Steps

Whether you’re in a budget hotel with no hangers, or you’re packing a bag for a business trip, there comes a time in every man’s life when your shirt requires folding. Yes, it’s the most heinous of crimes to commit against such precision tailoring but needs must when the devil drives. So rather than stuffing that crisp white dress shirt into your carry-on bag, check out our easy 5 step process to fold a shirt for packing. more »

Section: Building Your Wardrobe - Blog

18 Mar 2016

3 Tips for Buying the Perfect Scarf

With Winter well and truly here, we’ve decided to take a look at one of the most underrated of men’s accessories, the scarf. If you are still wearing the knitted effort your Auntie Madge gave you on your twelfth birthday, then we applaud you, sir. But, if you want to complete that custom tailored look then you should probably take heed of the advice laid out below. more »

Section: Building Your Wardrobe - Blog

07 Mar 2016

5 of the Best Dressed Fighters in History

With the big news from UFC 196 that yet another Brazilian has pulled out of a fight with the sartorially adept Conor McGregor, we got to thinking here at the office about whether there is any fighter past or present that dressed as well as ‘The Notorious’ Irishman. Now, we all know that boxers, in particular, are well known for their propensity to overdress with as much bling as possible thrown in for good measure, so we’re not going to lie, it wasn’t an easy task finding fighters that donned... more »

Section: Celebrity Style - Blog

02 Mar 2016

The Stylish Gentlemen's Essential Guide to Sydney

If you’re still getting the bus out of the city just to get your hair cut with your regular barber, then perhaps it’s time to save the bus fare and open your eyes and mind to the many fine establishments located right here in Sydney CBD. From custom made shoes to amazing watches, it’s all right on your doorstep and with quite a few years under our belts in our current location on George Street, we’re well equipped to point you in the right direction. more »

Section: Gentlemanly Pursuits - Blog

15 Feb 2016

Sartorial Songsters - 5 of the Best Dressed Musicians in Suits

It’s not often that we have time to watch a few music videos down at Montagio HQ, and each time we do, a little piece of our heart breaks and yearns for the days when musicians knew how to rock a suit. But even in this modern world of oversized branding and sagging jeans, there are a select few that display a certain sartorial savviness that suggests that all is not lost in the world of men’s fashion. These men who blaze a trail for formalwear addicts the world over should find themselves on... more »

Section: Celebrity Style - Blog

02 Feb 2016

Suit and Shirt Care 101 – Why Dry Cleaning Trumps Home Washing

It’s Sunday, you have no clean shirts for tomorrow, and the dry cleaners are closed. Sound familiar? We’ve all been in that situation when a home wash of your shirts is the only option. And your five-minute dash with a lukewarm iron on Monday morning does nothing more than keep your shirt smooth long enough for you to get out the door. more »

Section: Tailoring and Clothing Maintenance - Blog

04 Jan 2016

Three Exclusive New Year's Eve Events in Sydney

As residents of one of the finest cities in the world, the people of Sydney are envied by many. Some say it’s due to our iconic buildings and attractions while others might think to mention the many cultures that have brought fine dishes from around the world to our restaurants and cafés. For us, though, there is only one reason for this worldwide envy of Sydneysiders; The fireworks. Yes, the biggest night of the year is just around the corner, so where do you plan to spend the night? Here... more »

Section: Everything Else - Blog

23 Dec 2015

Where to Eat Christmas Lunch in Sydney - Four of the Best

From dirty dishes to annoying family members, there’s a lot to be said for dining out on what for some is the most important day of the year. But is a slice of turkey down the local pub enough to give you that warm seasonal glow? We think not, so it’s time to forget the $10 carvery, get your best tailored suit out, and treat yourself to one of Sydney’s finest Christmas lunch menus. more »

Section: Gentlemanly Pursuits - Blog

18 Dec 2015

5 Christmas Gifts Every Man Should Buy for Himself

Let’s face it. Unless your family or partner have been picking up those subtle hints you’ve been dropping all year, the chances are you won’t be getting that new set of golf clubs or that 30 yr old brandy. If Christmas morning for you is an endless barrage of socks, then do yourself a favour this year and treat yourself to one of our must-have gifts for men. more »

Section: Gentlemanly Pursuits - Blog

18 Dec 2015

How Should Your Men's Suit Fit? (Infographic)

Have you ever had a suit buying experience go bad? If so, you understand the importance of knowing how a man's suit should fit. While alterations tailors can fix some fitting problems such as trouser breaks or cuff lengths, others - think ill-fitting jacket shoulders - are too expensive or even impossible to correct. Want to learn how to select your men's suit to avoid costly buying mistakes? Follow these fitting tips and you will end up with a well-made suit that feels comfortable all day... more »

Section: Essential Men's Suit Guide - Blog

02 Dec 2015

How Should Your Business Shirt Fit (Infographic)

Want to put your best foot forward professionally? Well, nothing spoils the look faster than mounds of billowing fabric flowing over the waistband of your trousers. The problem? Off the rack business shirts that don't fit right. You might think buying custom-made shirts solves your problem - you're partially right - but unless you know what to look for to get the proper fit, you'll just add to your problems. Ignore these 7 custom business shirt fitting tips at your own risk! more »

Section: Essential Men's Suit Guide - Blog

19 Nov 2015

How to Wear a Hat Right - Everytime

There usually comes a time in every man’s life when he takes a look in the mirror and wonders why he doesn’t wear a hat with his suit. If old Frank and his buddies could do it, then why the hell can’t you? more »

Section: Building Your Wardrobe - Blog

13 Nov 2015

Movember - Taking care of your mo and your gentlemanly parts

In case you’re unaware, Movember is about raising awareness and a bit of cash for men’s health as well as growing that dreamed of handlebar moustache without fear of ridicule from your mates. So here are a few tips on taking care of that blossoming mo and most importantly, your gentlemanly parts. more »

Section: Gentlemanly Pursuits - Blog

10 Nov 2015

Four Unusual Things to Do in Sydney This Halloween

It’s that time of year again when grown men and women fall prey to the tiny part of their imagination that remains locked in childhood mode. A time when we find it perfectly acceptable to wear clothes reclaimed from the bin and smear makeup all over our faces. Yes, it’s Halloween, and this year it’s on a Saturday. So instead of chowing down on the neighbours’ pumpkin pies, why not head into town for a change and try something different. more »

Section: Everything Else - Blog

30 Oct 2015

Spring Racing Carnival – What to wear for Derby Day @ Rosehill Gardens

October 31st looms large, and for those not enamored of trick or treating and zombie-esque fashion, it’s the chance to don those custom threads and mingle with Sydney’s fashion elite at Rosehill Gardens. Yes, it’s Derby Day and we all know what that means. Dapper gents and stylish ladies enjoying a drink, a bet, and few nibbles. But what do you wear on this, one of the most... more »

Section: Dressing for the Occasion - Blog

26 Oct 2015

Three Ways to Wear a Three Piece Suit

Usually considered the most traditional of suits, the three piece suit has always been the first choice for many grooms due to its formal look and, of course, its unique style. But with more and more men becoming a bit more style savvy, the custom tailored three piece suit has become commonplace in both business and smart casual wear. As with any style of suit, there are many ways to wear it, but here are three of our favourites. more »

Section: Building Your Wardrobe - Blog

20 Oct 2015

Red? Blue? - How Important Is Your Tie Colour?

If you think the tie colour you wear to work each day doesn't matter, better think again. You see, while novelty ties and the like obviously portray you as the office joker, is that really the impression you want to project? Conversely, subtle shades of certain hues are just as powerful at influencing others’ perception of you in a positive manner. Let's talk about what you need to know to pick the right tie, every time. more »

Section: Neckties, Bowties, and Pocket Squares - Blog

13 Oct 2015

5 of the Most Amazing Dress Watches in the World

There’s a time, and a place for that Casio G-shock watch and a suit-wearing occasion is neither. There’s nothing that will tear a look to shreds more than a chunky plastic watch popping out from under the sleeve of your custom tailored suit. So following on from our piece on Three Men's Watches You Need to Have we decided to do a post on the world’s most amazing (and expensive) dress watches. more »

Section: Gentlemanly Pursuits - Blog

08 Oct 2015

How to Shine Men's Dress Shoes Like a Pro

So you’ve picked up your new custom tailored suit, accessorized it with a killer tie, and finished off the look with a classic pocket square, but what about the shoes? Your sartorial efforts are for naught if those brogues are dull and lifeless or worse still, scuffed. But what does it take to shine shoes like a pro? Fortunately for you, Montagio's got your back. Here's all you need to know about shining your shoes like the experts do. more »

Section: Men's Footwear - Blog

06 Oct 2015

Avoid Wedding Day Faux Pas: 10 Commandments for Keeping Grooms Looking Great

If your husband to be is an "expect the unexpected" type of guy, then you should probably pay close attention to these tips on what not to do or wear on the big day. While these may seem outrageous... are they, really? more »

Section: Dressing for the Occasion - Blog

02 Oct 2015

Things to do in Sydney this labour day Long Weekend

As the month of September winds down and we find ourselves in spring’s warm embrace it’s time to figure out just what on earth we’re all going to do for Labor Day Weekend. While sitting on the sofa with Netflix is just not doing it for us anymore, we thought we’d take a look at what our options are should we make it past the front door. more »

Section: Gentlemanly Pursuits - Blog

29 Sep 2015

The 5 Must-Have Gadgets for Men

If you’re like 99% of men that grace this planet you will have an entirely unnecessary obsession with gadgets of any kind. From pocket-torches that double up as knife sharpeners to solar chargers for your phone, there’s practically no gadget we won’t at least have a look at. So to save you from those late night impulse buys on eBay, we’ve made a list of the must-have gadgets for the year so far. more »

Section: Gentlemanly Pursuits - Blog

07 Sep 2015

The Most Iconic Cars in the History of Cinema

If you’re asked to name your favourite car from the movies, you’ll most likely find yourself completely flummoxed at the sheer numbers of iconic cars that come crashing through your memory banks. Doc’s DeLorean, Herbie, and Bandit’s Trans Am are just a few that spring to mind and that’s discounting all those TV automobiles like the A-Team’s van and the Duke boys’ General Lee. But just to narrow down the field we decided to name only cars that were driven by suited men and here are our... more »

Section: Gentlemanly Pursuits - Blog

01 Sep 2015

The Best Dressed Men at the 2015 VMAs

It’s that time of year again. The day after the night before when the world discusses just how embarrassing Miley was this year or how much skin Nicki Minaj had bared to the world. Then of course there’s the VMAs’ stalwart, Mr. Kanye West, love him or loathe him, he’s always a talking point. Now we at Montagio like to think that we’re above such idle chatter (we’re not really though). So we’ve spent the day as any good tailor should, discussing the merits of the men’s attire on show. And... more »

Section: Celebrity Style - Blog

31 Aug 2015

The Five Quirkiest Bars in Sydney

Friday, the end of the week, and the perfect excuse to take some time for yourself and enjoy a bit of small talk with your favourite barman. But why not step outside your comfort zone this weekend by visiting one of our top five quirkiest bars in Sydney? You’ll be surprised at just how many there are so whittling it down to these five was no mean feat. But as always, and in the interest of research, of course, we took it upon ourselves to visit each and bring you this awesome list. more »

Section: Gentlemanly Pursuits - Blog

28 Aug 2015

... because it's personal

With over 20,000 satisfied clients, Montagio's distinction as the top-rated tailor in Sydney and Brisbane is no coincidence. Our success lies in our commitment to personalisation, ensuring each suit is a true reflection of the individual wearing it. Unlike others, we focus on providing unparalleled service, meticulous attention to detail, and an array of bespoke options, making every Montagio suit a testament to quality and individuality. If it lacks that personal touch, it simply isn't Montagio.

How It Works

Meet your tailors

Behind every Montagio suit is a team of expert tailors dedicated to precision, craftsmanship, and personal service. Get to know the masters who bring your vision to life, ensuring every suit is as unique as the person wearing it.

Sydney Tailor James Goodchild

Sydney Showroom

James Goodchild

With over 15 years of experience in suiting and 8 years at Montagio, James Goodchild has custom-fitted over 3,000 suits, achieving $8 million in lifetime sales and earning a reputation as a trusted bespoke tailoring expert. Passionate about bold statement suits and meticulous craftsmanship, he believes true greatness lies in integrity and influence, much like a well-tailored suit that leaves a lasting impression.

Book @ Sydney
Sydney Tailor Aaron Bry

Sydney Showroom

Aaron Bry

Aaron began his career in 2002 and has deep expertise in tailoring and luxury menswear, achieving multi-million-dollar sales and earning induction into MJ Bale’s Million Dollar Club... twice. Now converted to custom, he is committed to excellence in both style and service and believes in always being impeccably presented. Outside of work, he enjoys bodybuilding and films, often described as a 'gentle giant' for his approachable nature.

Book @ Sydney
Brisbane Tailor Raul Rodriguez

Brisbane Showroom

Raul Rodriguez

Raul is an experienced tailor with a deep passion for bespoke suiting, combining precision, craftsmanship, and a keen eye for detail to create impeccably fitted garments. Known for his ability to blend classic tailoring with bold, modern touches, he works closely with clients to craft suits that reflect their personality and style. For Raul, a well-made suit is more than clothing - it’s a statement of confidence, sophistication, and individuality.

Book @ Brisbane

Named in GQ Magazine's "Best Tailors" list, and the highest reviewed tailor on Google, Montagio has paved the way for discerning men to get suited up with style. A truly personalised experience, we deliver perfectly fitted bespoke suits, shirts and coats for business, weddings, formal and casual events. Our showrooms are packed with designs that inspire and thousands of fabrics, making it easy for you to get the look you want. Our difference? We won't let you walk out until we've tailored your perfect garment. It's personal. To experience Montagio's red-carpet service, book your personal appointment today.