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Men's Style Blog

Dress Like the Rat Pack

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No matter how many generations rehash the name of this iconic, martini-sipping, cigar-smoking fraternity, there will never be another group of men that oozes style and class as the original Rat Pack did. When Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Joey Bishop, and Peter Lawford set up shop on Las Vegas Strip the world took note as they sang, danced and acted their way through the 60s, all in their own indisputable style. As men, we can only hope to bear a fraction of the coolness of any of these style icons but dammit we’re going to try anyway.

Be the only gent in the house

No matter what the occasion, dress to impress, and if that means donning your custom tailored suit to the company barbecue then go for it. If nothing else you’ll be known as the guy who knows a thing or two about style, and we all know the ladies love a stylish man.

Wear your trousers skinny

Skinny fit suit pants were the trademark of Sammy Davis Jr. in particular, and while they might not suit everyone if you can carry them off then do it. If not custom tailored straight-legged trousers are the way to go.

Wear only custom fitted shirts

Ditch the baggy sleeved shirt (you really shouldn’t have one anyway) and get yourself some slim fitting tailored shirts. Obviously, how slim you go may depend on your penchant for steak and red wine. But fear not, you can also emulate our favourite style icons by adding French cuffs and a killer set of cufflinks to your ensemble.

Choose a skinny tie

A style that is synonymous with the 60s, the skinny tie is making a big comeback lately, so the chances are; You've got a few in your back pocket. If not, we’d be looking for the simple black silk tie that Frank and Co. were rarely seen without.

dean martin rat pack

Accessorize with a pocket square

Nothing says gentleman more than a neatly folded piece of silk tucked into your breast pocket, and if you’re a man with an ounce of sartorial wit, you should be doing this anyway. If you’re new to the world of pocket square folding, then check out our guide right here.

Get yourself a Fedora

You may not be a hat wearer, not many men are these days, but it’s a classic look that screams style. Just be careful to get a style and size that suits you. You don’t want the hat to become the most prominent feature in your look; it’s just another accessory after all.

fedora hat rat pack

Untie that bow tie

Now we know that bow tie wearing occasions are few and far between but when they do come along make the most of the opportunity. A bow tie tactfully undone at just the right moment during the evening will have you looking like a master of style, just remember to have a scotch in your hand to complete the quintessential Rat Pack look.


If you’re looking for a custom fitted shirt with French cuffs like the ones old Dino favoured so much, then take a look at our tailor made shirts or BOOK YOUR FITTING and we’ll measure you up for a Dean Martin special.


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Named in GQ Magazine's "Best Tailors" list, and the highest reviewed tailor on Google, Montagio has paved the way for discerning men to get suited up with style. A truly personalised experience, we deliver perfectly fitted bespoke suits, shirts and coats for business, weddings, formal and casual events. Our showrooms are visually packed with designs that inspire and 1,000s of fabrics, making it easy for you to get the look you want. Our difference? We won't let you walk out until we've tailored your perfect garment. It's personal. To experience the same red-carpet service, book your personal appointment today.